Jim Ratcliffe, a British petrochemical billionaire, is rumored to be interested in buying Manchester United Football Club. In his pursuit of the football club, the businessman has enlisted the assistance of investment banks JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs. So far, Ratcliffe is the only person who has publicly expressed an interest in purchasing Manchester United.
Ratcliffe’s potential purchase of the club has piqued the interest of many Manchester United fans, with some seeing him as the go-to person to buy the club. However, Ratcliffe is not the only person who wants to buy Manchester United. The Qatari government was approached about purchasing the club a year ago, and they will face competition from Ratcliffe and American investors.
At the moment, five serious bidders have expressed an interest in purchasing Manchester United. On the other hand, the Qatari bid has received little attention, and the extent of their interest remains unknown. According to some reports, the Qatari bid is still in the early stages, and the government has not yet hired a public relations firm. This suggests that their interest in purchasing the club is not serious.
Ratcliffe’s bid, on the other hand, has been widely publicized, and he has enlisted the help of two of Wall Street’s largest investment banks. This action has given Ratcliffe an advantage over the other potential bidders, making him the favorite to purchase the club.
Manchester United fans protested the Glazer takeover in 2005, instilling a sense of exceptionalism for the greater good of the sport. They objected to their club’s “prostitution” to one of the world’s most conservative governments and demanded better. This demonstrates Manchester United fans’ devotion to the club, and any new owner must consider this.
The potential ownership of Premier League clubs by various regimes is a risk that must be carefully managed. Newcastle United, which is owned by Saudi Arabia, and Chelsea, which was owned by Roman Abramovich, are prime examples of how this can become problematic. Because of his ties to Putin, Abramovich was sanctioned, and the situation at Newcastle United with Saudi Arabia remains complicated.
Finally, the race to buy Manchester United is heating up, with multiple bidders expressing interest in the club. Jim Ratcliffe appears to be the favorite to buy the club, but the Qatari government’s level of interest is unknown. Any new owner must consider the passion and loyalty of Manchester United fans, as well as the potential risks associated with different regimes owning Premier League clubs.