Manchester United fans have never liked the owners of the club they hold so dear. The owners have been criticized for years for how they have mismanaged the leadership at Manchester United.
It has been an uphill battle from the fans to get the Glazers to sell Manchester United which was not productive until the end of November 2022. This is when the owners announced publicly that they are willing to sell United to any bidders that came knocking on the door to buy the club.
A recent report has emerged from Laurie Whitwell who is a journalist for The Athletic, claiming that Avram and Joel Glazer attempted to buy out their siblings’ United shares last summer before being forced to sell this November.

They felt that buying out Edward, Kevin, Bryan, and Darcie would allow them to run Manchester United in a more direct and efficient way.
Their plan did not go as they planned. For a long time, United fans have known that Joel and Avram Glazer have been the ones with the majority of the shares at United.
The duo has always been criticized for their interest in making money from the 20 times Premier League champions instead of investing money back into the club to improve its squad and facilities.

The United Board issued a statement informing their fans that the Glazers will not be given their semi-annual dividend shares. This was great news to The Manchester United Supporters’ Trust.
The Trust Reacted with the statement below:
“We are glad that, while the dividend issue has dragged on for far too long, we have finally got to the right position.
“Certainly dividends should not be paid when the football club is not achieving success on the pitch, challenging for top honours. That is rewarding failure and removes the incentive for the owners to ensure sufficient reinvestment of profits back into the football club.
“Our view is that no further dividends should be paid while new investment and ownership remain unresolved.”
Manchester United Supporters Trust Board