Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola spoke about the recent charges against the club and the impact it could have on the fans. He urged fans to band together and be more united than ever during this difficult time. Guardiola believes that winning requires more than just good play, particularly in the competitive environment of the Premier League, and that teams must play much better to be successful. He cited Manchester City’s history, in which they were able to raise the bar and win the league with 100 points, just as Liverpool did.
The manager was asked about emotional moments in the past, such as crying after a game against Aston Villa and beating Liverpool to win the title with a 100-point season. Guardiola stated that regardless of what happens in the future, those moments belong to the team and the club. He also discussed the sport’s jealousy and competitiveness, pointing out that the most successful clubs frequently create the most jealousy among other clubs and managers.
Guardiola also addressed the role of the owners and chairman, saying he is proud of his relationship with them and that he relies heavily on them. He stated that if they want him to stay, he will not let them down and will fight to defend the club’s position on the field.
Guardiola declined to comment on the allegations leveled against Manchester City, stating that he was not involved in that aspect of the situation. However, he stated that his owners had done nothing wrong and should not be judged based on these charges.
Finally, Guardiola discussed the legendary Liverpool player Steven Gerrard and his impact on the sport. He referred to the “slippery” moment in 2009/10 when Gerrard’s slip cost Liverpool the title, saying that those are moments that belong to the team and the club. He also expressed his admiration for Gerrard and the Liverpool football club as a whole.